
Whew Life

How has everyone been?

It truly seems as though I fell off the face of the earth I bet?

I’m still here. Striving, surviving, and attempting to thrive.

Ed and I are married now, if I have not mentioned that. As of June 2022.

We have Cooper, he’s our ShiShon. He’s a year old and really believes he’s a big dog.

Life in the country is quiet, amazing, peaceful. The people are friendly. For once in my life I have true mental clarity and focus. It’s so refreshing to say that out loud!

Yes, we still continue to battle health issues, however, mentally, I really feel free.

Ed seems to balance me. This life is coming together. As long as I stay stress free or as stress free as can be, I’m so much happier, happier than I have been since my grown children were toddlers!

I do miss my grandchildren very much. Driving is an issue. Sitting in the car for more than 45-60 minutes takes a toll on my neck, shoulders, it causes stiffness.

I miss Liam being a toddler. I am missing out on so much. I now have five grandchildren. My littles are growing so fast, from 12 years old to almost 6 months old.

I have many exciting things going on and I wish to talk further about everything with everyone, I will, very soon. I will make a conscious effort to begin blogging again.

Until next time, please be kind to everyone, especially yourself 💜

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